TAMU Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda
January 13, 2025
3:00pm, in 601 Rudder and via Zoom (link sent directly to Senators)
Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/@tamufacultysenate4044/streams
December 9, 2024 – Minutes – Attachment A
Graduate Council –
New Courses
B.1 AERO 610: Space Domain Awareness
B.2 ATMO 654: Numerical and Machine Learning-Based Weather Prediction
B.3 BICH 610: Written Communication in Biochemical Research
B.4 BICH 611: Oral Communication in Biochemical Research
B.5 BICH 613: Biomolecular Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Theory and Practice
B.6 BICH 614: Cellular Biophysics
B. 7 BICH 616: Mechanisms of Cell Division
B.8 BICH 629: Optical Spectroscopy
B.9 BMEN 615: Bioengineered Cellular Systems
B.10 BMEN 664: Cancer Bioengineering
B.11 CARC 621: Interdisciplinary Project Delivery Through Real-World Projects
B.12 CHEN 636: Resilience and Sustainability of Industrial Supply Chains
B.13 CHEN 639: Biomass Processing
B.14 CVEN 702: Design of Timber Structures
B.15 FINC 658: Energy Trading
B.16 FINC 667: Quantitative Research Methods in Finance
B.17 FSTC 616: Food Biomanufacturing and Cellular Agriculture
B.18 FSTC 632: Innovative Functional Food Ingredients
B.19 FSTC 664: Fundamentals of Food Law
B.20 HMGT 632: Contemporary Hospitality, Tourism and Recreation Human Resources Management
B.21 INTA 733: Proxy Wars and Military Intervention
B.22 INTA 734: Regional Challenges in Women, Peace and Security
B.23 INTA 735: U.S. and Latin America Relations and the Illicit Economy
B.24 INTA 736: Environmental Issues and Development
B.25 INTA 738: Geospatial Intelligence
B.26 INTA 739: Israel, HAMAS, and Hezbollah
B.27 INTA 743: Geoeconomics of East Asia
B.28 INTA 744: European Security
B.29 ITDE 601: Applied Linear Systems
B.30 ITDE 681: Seminar
B.31 ITDE 682: Interdisciplinary Engineering Professional Development
B.32 MARB 608: Advanced Methods for Environmental Data Analysis
B.33 MGMT 619: Mergers and Acquisitions
B.34 MTDE 615: Startup Fundamentals - Launching, Growing and Exiting a Startup Company
B.35 NUEN 664: Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Nuclear Materials
B.36 PBSI 648: Decision Making
B.37 SCSC 616: Field and Lab Methods in Soil Physics
B.38 SCSC 649: Weed Judging
B.39 VIZA 668: Emergent Research in Visual Computing and Interactive Media
B.40 VIZA 669: Introduction to Deep Learning for Visual Computing and Interactive Media
B.41 VIZA 701: Introduction to Research in Visual Computing and Interactive Media
Change in Courses –
B.42 ACCT 647: Financial Statement Analysis
B.43 ACCT 657: Accounting Data Analytics
B.44 AGEC 629: Managerial Analysis for Agribusiness Firms
B.45 ALEC 672: Analytic Methods for Managers in the Youth, Agriculture, and Human Service Industries
B.46 BICH 637: Advanced Topics in Metabolism
B.47 BICH 657: Introduction to Structural Biology
B.48 CHEN 676: Sustainable Design through Process Integration
B.49 CVEN 657: Dynamic Loads and Structural Behavior
B.50 DCED 625: Screendance Composition
B.51 DCED 637: Professional Practice - Written
B.52 ECEN 649: Pattern Recognition
B.53 ECEN 662: Estimation and Detection Theory
B.54 ECEN 766: Algorithms in Structural Bioinformatics
B.55 HMGT 602: Social Science Foundations of Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism
B.56 HMGT 614: Research Methods in Hospitality, Tourism and Recreation Management
B.57 HMGT 635: Advanced Quantitative Methods in Hospitality, Tourism and Recreation
B.58 ICPE 640: Data Science Fundamentals for Energy I - Understanding Data
B.59 ICPE 661: Energy Accounting
B.60 ITDE 611: Engineering Foundations in Medicine I
B.61 ITDE 612: Engineering Foundations in Medicine II
B.62 ITDE 613: Engineering Foundations in Medicine III
B.63 ITDE 614: Journal Club for Engineering Innovation in Medicine
B.64 ITDE 624: Engineering Analysis of Clinical Processes I
B.65 ITDE 625: Engineering Analysis of Clinical Processes II
B.66 ITDE 626: Engineering Analysis of Clinical Processes III
B.67 ITDE 627: Engineering Analysis of Clinical Processes IV
B.68 ITDE 628: Engineering Analysis of Clinical Processes V
B.69 ITDE 641: Innovation Immersion in Engineering Design II
B.70 ITDE 642: Innovation Immersion in Engineering Design III
B.71 LAND 622: Landscape Architectural Theory
B.72 MKTG 625: Marketing Analytics and Data Visualization
B.73 MKTG 626: Advanced Marketing Analytics and Data Visualization
B.74 MKTG 638: Digital Strategy for Competitive Advantage
B.75 MKTG 671: Innovation and New Product Launch
B.76 NUEN 608: Fast Spectrum Systems and Applications
B.77 NUEN 628: Computational Fluid Dynamics in Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics
B.78 NUEN 662: Nuclear Materials Under Extreme Conditions
B.79 NUEN 663: Fundamentals of Ion Solid Interactions
B.80 NUEN 684: Professional Internship
B.81 NURS 617: Advanced Pathophysiology
B.82 NURS 653: Advanced Health Assessment
B.83 PBSI 613: Practicum in Psychological Assessment
B.84 RWFM 606: Wildlife Habitat Management
B.85 SCSC 644: Forage Ecology and Management
B.86 SPSY 617: Assessment of Emotional Disability
B.87 STAT 654: Statistical Computing with R and Python
B.88 TCMT 643: Contract, Legal Risk Management and Negotiation
B.89 VIBS 610: Epidemiologic Methods II and Data Analysis
Change in Courses – Inactivation Proposal
B.90 BMEN 606: Medical Device Path to Market
B.91 BMEN 650: Biomedical Optics Laboratory
New Programs Proposal
College of Architecture
Department of Land Architecture and Urban Planning
B.92 BS-URPN/MLA-LAND-ALA: Urban & Regional Planning - 6-Year Bachelor of Science/Master of Landscape Architecture
New Programs Proposal
College of Nursing
B.93 CERT-FNPR: Family Nurse Practitioner - Certificate
New Programs Proposal
College of Architecture
Department of Land Architecture and Urban Planning
B.94 CERT-LDVS: Land Development and Sustainability - Certificate
New Programs Proposal
College of Engineering
Department of Aerospace Engineering
B.95 MEN-SPEN: Master of Engineering in Space Engineering
New Programs Proposal
School of Public Health
B.96 MS-PHLS: Master of Science in Public Health Sciences
New Programs Proposal
College of Engineering
Department of Aerospace Engineering
B.97 MS-SPEN: Master of Science in Space Engineering
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Economics
B.98 BA-ECON/MS-ECON-LEC: Economics - 5-Year Bachelor of Arts and Master of Science in Economics
Change in Programs
Bush School of Government and Public Service
Department of Public Service & Administration and Department of Political Science
B.99 BA-POLS/MPS-PSAA-BPS: Political Science - 5-Year Bachelor of Arts and Master of Public Service Administration
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Chemistry
B.100 BS-CHEM/MS-CHEM-SSA: Chemistry - 5-Year Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Chemistry
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Economics
B.101 BS-ECON/MS-ECON-LEC: Economics - 5-Year Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Economics
Change in Programs
College of Education and Human Development
Department of Kinesiology and Sport Management
B.102 BS-KINE/MS-ATTR-ETR: Kinesiology - 5-Year Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Athletic Training
Change in Programs
College of Marine Sciences and Maritime Studies
Department of Maritime Business Administration
B.103 BS-MBAU/MMB-MBAA-GAD: Maritime Business Administration - 5-year Bachelor of Science and Master of Maritime Business Administration and Logistics
Change in Programs
Bush School of Government and Public Service
Department of Public Service & Administration and Department of Political Science
B.104 BS-POLS/MPS-PSAA-BPS: Political Science - 5-Year Bachelor of Science and Master of Public Service Administration
Change in Programs
College of Architecture
Department of Land Architecture and Urban Planning
B.105 BS-URPN/MLP-LPDV-ALP: Urban & Regional Planning - 5-Year Bachelor of Science/Master of Land and Property Development
Change in Programs
College of Architecture
Department of Land Architecture and Urban Planning
B.106 BS-URPN/MUP-URPL-AUP: Urban & Regional Planning - 5-Year Bachelor of Science/Master of Urban Planning
Change in Programs
School of Public Health
Department of Health Behavior
B.107 CERT-GHLT: Global Health - Certificate
Change in Programs
College of Engineering
Department of Aerospace Engineering
B.108 CERT-HSIB: Human Systems Integration-Bioastronautics - Certificate
Change in Programs
Mays Business School
Department of Accounting
B.109 CERT-IAUD: Internal Audit - Certificate
Change in Programs
School of Public Health
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
B.110 CERT-MACH: Maternal and Child Health - Certificate
Change in Programs
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department of Agricultural Economics
B.111 MAB-AGBU: Master of Agribusiness in Agribusiness
Change in Programs
Mays Business School
B.112 MBA-BUAD: Master of Business Administration in Business Administration
Change in Programs
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department of Nutrition
B.113 MCN-CNTR: Master of Clinical Nutrition in Clinical Nutrition
Change in Programs
College of Architecture
Department of Land Architecture and Urban Planning
B.114 MLA-LAND: Master of Landscape Architecture in Landscape Architecture
Change in Programs
School of Public Health
Department of Health Behavior
B.115 MPH-HBEH: Master of Public Health in Health Behavior
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Chemistry
B.116 PHD-CHEM: Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry
Change in Programs
College of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
B.117 PHD-MEEN: Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering
Change in Programs – Inactivation Proposal
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Geography and Department of Oceanography
B.118 BS/MOS-ENGS/OCST/--GOC: Environmental Geoscience - 5-Year Bachelor of Science and Master of Ocean Science and Technology
Miscellaneous Program Change Request
B.119 672: Revision of Student Advisory Committee Section in Program Requirements
B.120 688: Change name of the 99-Hour Cap Section
B.121 689: Clarification of dissent language in final exam section
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
New Courses
B.122 AFST 225: Reframing Public Memory - Texas and the African American
B.123 AFST 430: African American Muslim Culture
B.124 AGSM 411: Cotton Gin Management
B.125 ALEC 474: Positive Youth Development in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
B.126 AREN 281: Architectural Engineering Seminar
B.127 AREN 311: Thermal-Fluid Sciences II for Architectural Engineers
B.128 ARTS 116: Drawing II
B.129 ARTS 301: Artificial Intelligence in Visual Arts
B.130 ATMO 215: Climate Risk in the 21st Century
B.131 BICH 102: Introduction to Biochemical and Genetic Techniques
B.132 BICH 201: Introduction to Information Literacy and Artificial Intelligence Tools for Biochemistry and Genetics
B.133 BICH 202: Biochemical and Genetic Concepts in Medicine - Case Studies
B.134 BICH 416: Mechanisms of Cell Division
B.135 BIMS 499: Biomedical Sciences Capstone Experience
B.136 BIOL 411: Synthetic Biology of Microbes
B.137 BUSH 241: Democracy, Civic Engagement, and Community Leadership
B.138 CARC 421: Interdisciplinary Project Delivery Through Real-World Projects
B.139 CHIN 250: Popular Culture in Modern China
B.140 CHIN 316: Business Chinese
B.141 COSC 314: Immersion in Facilities Management
B.142 COSC 335: Life Cycle Assessment in Building Construction
B.143 COSC 340: Building Codes and Construction
B.144 COSC 414: Contracted Services Management
B.145 COSC 428: Preconstruction - the Art of the Project
B.146 DCED 307: Artificial Intelligence in Dance Composition
B.147 DCED 325: Screendance
B.148 ECCB 105: Secondary Education in Ecology and Conservation Biology
B.149 ECEN 432: Data Conversion Systems and Circuits
B.150 GERM 121: Beginning German Abroad I
B.151 GERM 122: Beginning German Abroad II
B.152 GLST 220: Feminist Approaches to Science, Technology, and Medicine
B.153 GLST 403: Global and Cultural Aspects of Everyday Consumption
B.154 GLST 444: Foreign Language Pedagogy
B.155 GLST 467: Cultural Texts as Data
B.156 HISP 414: Environmental Perspectives on the U.S. and Mexico Border
B.157 HIST 381: Energy and the Environment - Conflict or Compatibility
B.158 HIST 382: Conflict Archaeology and Military History
B.159 HMGT 204: International Food - Service, Cuisine and Culture
B.160 LTPS 130: Introduction to Learning Technology and Performance Systems
B.161 LTPS 210: Introduction to Learning Management Systems
B.162 LTPS 240: Introduction to Instructional Design Systems
B.163 LTPS 311: Database Learning Management for Learning Technology and Performance Systems
B.164 LTPS 312: Use of Information Systems and Networking in Learning Technology and Performance Systems
B.165 LTPS 350: Program Management for Learning Technology and Performance Systems
B.166 LTPS 360: Organizational Governance and Learning Development
B.167 LTPS 440: Advanced HRIS and LMS Technology and Instructional Design Integration
B.168 LTPS 484: Internship
B.169 MARE 396: Nuclear Engineering for Marine Engineers
B.170 MARS 454: Coastal Hydrology
B.171 MEEN 483: Optical Techniques for Engineers
B.172 MEEN 496: Laser Material Processing for Manufacturing
B.173 MSTC 245: Survey of Artificial Intelligence in Music
B.174 MTDE 315: Startup Fundamentals - Launching, Growing and Exiting a Startup Company
B.175 MTDE 334: Agile Project Management
B.176 MTDE 371: STEM in National Security
B.177 MUST 484: Internship
B.178 NUEN 416: Small Modular Reactors and Microreactors
B.179 NUEN 437: Fundamentals of Fusion Engineering
B.180 NUEN 467: Deep Learning for Engineering Applications
B.181 NURS 318: Professional Identity I - The Role of the Professional Nurse
B.182 NURS 319: Professional Identity II - Interprofessional Practice and Evidence-Based Decision-Making
B.183 NURS 330: Management of Care I - The Fundamentals of Nursing Care Across the Lifespan
B.184 NURS 332: Management of Care II - Nursing Care of Adults with Common and Chronic Conditions
B.185 NURS 340: Patho-Pharm I - Connecting Pathophysiology and Pharmacology to Common Patient Conditions
B.186 NURS 341: Patho-Pharm II - Connecting Pathophysiology and Pharmacology to Complex Patient Conditions
B.187 NURS 342: Mental Health Nursing Care Across the Lifespan
B.188 NURS 343: Building Healthy Communities I - Wellness and Health Promotion Across the Lifespan
B.189 NURS 344: Building Healthy Communities II - Fostering Health Infrastructure
B.190 NURS 418: Professional Identity III - Development in the Professional Nurse Role
B.191 NURS 419: Professional Identity IV - The Professional Nurse Leader
B.192 NURS 433: Management of Care III - Nursing Care of Adults with Complex, High-Acuity Conditions
B.193 NURS 435: Management of Care IV - Synthesis of Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes for Professional Success
B.194 NURS 436: Maternal and Child Health
B.195 NURS 442: Application of Pharmacology Principles Across the Lifespan
B.196 NURS 445: Writing for Nursing Professionals - The Nurse’s Role in Health Advocacy and Healthcare Quality
B.197 NUTR 307: Quantity Food Production
B.198 NUTR 409: Nutrition Education and Counseling
B.199 OCNG 355: The Blue Frontier - Harnessing Ocean Resources for Future Sustainability
B.200 PVFA 201: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence in the Arts
B.201 PVFA 301: Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and Social Impact in the Arts
B.202 PVFA 409: Artificial Intelligence in the Arts Capstone
B.203 SCSC 449: Weed Judging
B.204 SPEN 201: Introduction to Space Engineering
B.205 SPEN 223: Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, and Fluid Mechanics for Space Engineering I
B.206 SPEN 324: Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, and Fluid Mechanics for Space Engineering II
B.207 SPEN 354: Materials Science for Space Engineering
B.208 SPEN 401: Space Design Principles
B.209 SPEN 402: Space System Design
B.210 SPEN 437: Space Communications
B.211 SPEN 439: Principles of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing
B.212 SPEN 441: Foundations of Space Autonomy
B.213 URPN 204: Introduction to U.S. Health System
B.214 URPN 372: Environmental Health Planning and Policy II
B.215 VIST 215: Look Development I
B.216 VIST 371: Artificial Intelligence in Interaction Design
B.217 VIST 415: Look Development II
B.218 VIST 420: Business for Creatives
B.219 VTPB 425: Biomedical Microbiology
B.220 VTPB 426: Biomedical Microbiology Laboratory
B.221 VTPP 358: Comparative and Evolutionary Physiology of Dinosaurs
B.222 VTPP 405: Systemic Veterinary Physiology
Change in Courses
B.223 ACCT 327: Financial Reporting I
B.224 AGCJ 411: Advanced Research in Agriculture and Life Sciences Communications
B.225 AGEC 101: Concepts in Agricultural Economics - First Year Experience
B.226 AGEC 325: Principles of Farm and Ranch Management
B.227 ALEC 473: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Youth Development Organizations
B.228 ANSC 201: Introductory Equine Care and Use
B.229 ANTH 421: Advanced Museum Studies
B.230 ARCH 206: Architecture Design II
B.231 ARCH 406: Architecture Design V
B.232 AREN 300: Architectural Engineering Systems
B.233 AREN 320: Lighting Engineering for Buildings
B.234 AREN 330: Mechanical Systems for Buildings
B.235 AREN 401: Architectural Engineering Design I
B.236 AREN 430: Hygrothermal Analysis of Building Envelopes
B.237 AREN 440: Architectural Engineering Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Design
B.238 ARTS 328: Advanced Painting
B.239 ATMO 455: Numerical and Machine Learning-Based Weather Prediction
B.240 BAEN 365: Unit Operations for Biological and Agricultural Engineering
B.241 BAEN 422: Unit Operations in Food Processing
B.242 BAEN 464: Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
B.243 BAEN 468: Soil and Water Conservation Engineering
B.244 BAEN 479: Biological and Agricultural Engineering Design I
B.245 BICH 101: Introduction to Biochemical and Genetics Research Methods
B.246 BICH 303: Elements of Biological Chemistry
B.247 BICH 411: Comprehensive Biochemistry II
B.248 BIOL 349: Bioinformatics
B.249 BIOL 400: Tropical Ecology of Costa Rica
B.250 BUSN 403: Business Writing and Communication
B.251 COSC 214: Introduction to Facilities Management
B.252 COSC 322: Construction Discourse Leadership
B.253 COSC 359: Industrial Construction
B.254 COSC 375: Estimating II
B.255 COSC 427: Project Execution and Administration - Constructionarium United Kingdom
B.256 COSC 474: Facility Management Internship
B.257 COSC 484: Internship - 10 Week
B.258 COSC 494: Internship
B.259 CULN 305: Culinary Health
B.260 CVEN 322: Civil Engineering Systems
B.261 CVEN 342: Materials of Construction
B.262 CVEN 343: Portland Cement Concrete Materials for Civil Engineers
B.263 CVEN 345: Theory of Structures
B.264 CVEN 365: Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering
B.265 CVEN 399: Mid-Curriculum Professional Development
B.266 DCED 216: Performance Documentation and Editing
B.267 DCED 411: Wellness and the Performing Artist
B.268 ECCB 407: Programming for Spatial Data Applications with R
B.269 ECEN 214: Electrical Circuit Theory
B.270 ECEN 314: Signals and Systems
B.271 ECEN 350: Computer Architecture and Design
B.272 ECEN 370: Electronic Properties of Materials
B.273 ENSS 205: Environmental Programs Cornerstone
B.274 ENSS 405: Environmental Programs Capstone
B.275 ENSS 430: Global Science and Policy Making
B.276 ENSS 431: Environmental Regulatory Compliance in Geoscience
B.277 FINP 436: Insurance Planning
B.278 GEOL 152: History of the Earth
B.279 GEOL 203: Mineralogy
B.280 GEOL 208: Life on a Dynamic Planet
B.281 GEOL 210: Geological Communication
B.282 GEOL 250: Geological Field Methods
B.283 GEOL 301: Mineral Resources
B.284 GEOL 304: Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology
B.285 GEOL 310: Planetary Geology
B.286 GEOL 312: Structural Geology and Tectonics
B.287 GEOL 314: Paleontology and Geobiology
B.288 GEOL 320: Geology for Civil Engineers
B.289 GEOL 330: Geologic Field Trips
B.290 GEOL 350: Summer Field Geology
B.291 GEOL 360: Analyzing Data in Geology
B.292 GEOL 404: Geology of Petroleum
B.293 GEOL 416: Petroleum Systems Analysis and Basin Modeling
B.294 GEOL 450: Geology Senior Project
B.295 GEOL 481: Seminar
B.296 GEOL 485: Directed Studies
B.297 GEOP 435: Methods of Geophysical Exploration
B.298 GEOP 470: Computational Geophysics
B.299 GEOP 485: Directed Studies
B.300 HMGT 201: Foundations of Hospitality, Hotel Management and Tourism
B.301 HMGT 210: Data-Driven Decision Making in Hospitality, Hotel Management and Tourism
B.302 HMGT 312: Managing Human Capital in Hospitality, Hotel Management, and Tourism
B.303 HMGT 384: Junior Internship
B.304 HORT 326: Plant Propagation
B.305 INTA 494: Inter-American Affairs - U.S. Interventions in Latin America and Beyond
B.306 MATH 417: Numerical Methods
B.307 MATH 437: Principles of Numerical Analysis
B.308 MEEN 315: Principles of Thermodynamics
B.309 MEEN 417: Basics of Plasma Engineering and Applications
B.310 MEEN 458: Processing and Characterization of Polymers
B.311 MTDE 252: Engineering Entrepreneurship Hour
B.312 MTDE 311: Enterprise Basics for Technical Entrepreneurs
B.313 MTDE 312: Sales, Operations and Manufacturing for Technology Companies
B.314 MTDE 320: Engineering for Sustainable Development
B.315 MTDE 421: Technology Company Management, Leadership, and Corporate Culture
B.316 MTDE 461: Product Lean Launch for Engineers
B.317 NUEN 405: Nuclear Engineering Experiments
B.318 NURS 305: Nursing Dimensions and Informatics
B.319 NURS 315: Nursing and the Aged
B.320 NURS 320: Adult Nursing I
B.321 NURS 412: Care of Mental Health Clients
B.322 NURS 420: Adult Nursing II
B.323 NUTR 304: Food Service Systems and Management
B.324 OCNG 310: Physical Oceanography
B.325 OCNG 320: Biological Oceanography
B.326 PERF 484: Internship
B.327 PHLT 332: Occupational Safety and Health II
B.328 PHYS 408: Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
B.329 POSC 319: Breeder and Hatchery Management
B.330 RELS 420: Nature, Sustainability and Religion
B.331 RELS 481: Advanced Seminar in Religious Studies
B.332 RUSS 245: Contemporary Russia in Its Own Films
B.333 STAT 446: Statistical Bioinformatics
B.334 VIBS 401: Developmental Neurotoxicology
B.335 VIST 275: Production Techniques
B.336 VIST 357: Interaction Design
B.337 VIST 370: Interactive Virtual Environments
B.338 VIST 429: On Set Virtual Production
B.339 WGST 205: Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies
B.340 WGST 445: Queer Theory
Change in Courses – Inactivation Proposal
B.341 GEOG 327: Geography of South Asia
B.342 GEOG 355: Concepts in Geographic Education
B.343 GEOG 404: Spatial Thinking, Perception and Behavior
B.344 MARA 250: Management Information Systems
B.345 MARA 281: Seminar in Undergraduate Research Methods
New Programs Proposal
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering
B.346 BS-BAEN-AGE: Biological and Agricultural Engineering - BS, Agricultural Engineering Track
New Programs Proposal
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering
B.347 BS-BAEN-BIE: Biological and Agricultural Engineering - BS, Biological Engineering Track
New Programs Proposal
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering
B.348 BS-BAEN-NRE: Biological and Agricultural Engineering - BS, Natural Resources Engineering Track
New Programs Proposal
College of Engineering
Department of Aerospace Engineering
B.349 BS-SPEN: Space Engineering - BS
New Programs Proposal
Mays Business School
B.350 CERT-MCON: Management Consulting - Certificate
New Programs Proposal
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department of Nutrition
B.351 CERT-SPNT: Sport Nutrition - Certificate
New Programs Proposal
College of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts
B.352 MINOR-AIAT: Artificial Intelligence in the Arts
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Anthropology
B.353 BA-ANTH: Anthropology - BA
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Anthropology
B.354 BA-ANTH-ATR: Anthropology - BA, Archaeology Track
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Biology
B.355 BA-BIOL: Biology - BA
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Chemistry
B.356 BA-CHEM-BCA: Chemistry - BA, Biological Chemistry or Medical, Dental, Pharmacy School Track
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Chemistry
B.357 BA-CHEM-ECA: Chemistry - BA, Environmental Chemistry Track
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Global Languages and Cultures
B.358 BA-CLSS-CLC: Classics - BA, Classical Civilization Track
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Global Languages and Cultures
B.359 BA-CLSS-LGL: Classics - BA, Language and Literature Track
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Communication and Journalism
B.360 BA-COMM: Communication - BA
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of English
B.361 BA-ENGL: English - BA
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of English
B.362 BA-ENGL-MID: English - BA, Middle School Teacher Certification
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Global Languages and Cultures
B.363 BA-GLST: Global Studies - BA
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of History
B.364 BA-HIST: History - BA
Change in Programs
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department of Horticultural Sciences
B.365 BA-HORT: Horticulture - BA
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Mathematics
B.366 BA-MATH-TCH: Mathematics - BA, Mathematics Teaching Emphasis
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Oceanography
B.367 BA-OCNS: Ocean Studies - BA
Change in Programs
Bush School of Government and Public Service
Department of Political Science
B.368 BA-POLS: Political Science - BA
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Global Languages and Cultures
B.369 BA-SPAN: Spanish - BA
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Communication and Journalism
B.370 BA-TCMS: Telecommunication Media Studies - BA
Change in Programs
College of Architecture
Department of Land Architecture and Urban Planning
B.371 BLA-LAND: Landscape Architecture - BLA
Change in Programs
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department of Agricultural Economics
B.372 BS-AGBU: Agribusiness - BS
Change in Programs
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department of Agricultural Economics
B.373 BS-AGEC-FMS+: Agricultural Economics - BS, Food Marketing Systems Option
Change in Programs
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department of Agricultural Economics
B.374 BS-AGEC-FRE+: Agricultural Economics - BS, Finance and Real Estate Option
Change in Programs
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department of Agricultural Economics
B.375 BS-AGEC-PEA+: Agricultural Economics - BS, Policy and Economic Analysis Option
Change in Programs
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department of Agricultural Economics
B.376 BS-AGEC-RUE+: Agricultural Economics - BS, Rural Entrepreneurship Option
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Anthropology
B.377 BS-ANTH: Anthropology - BS
Change in Programs
College of Architecture
Department of Architecture
B.378 BS-ARCH: Architecture - BS
Change in Programs
College of Engineering
Department of Multidisciplinary Engineering
B.379 BS-AREN-MSB: Architectural Engineering - BS, Mechanical Systems for Buildings Track
Change in Programs
College of Engineering
Department of Multidisciplinary Engineering
B.380 BS-AREN-SSB: Architectural Engineering - BS, Structural Systems for Buildings Track
Change in Programs
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering
B.381 BS-BAEN: Biological and Agricultural Engineering - BS
Change in Programs
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics
B.382 BS-BICH: Biochemistry - BS
Change in Programs
College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
B.383 BS-BIMS: Biomedical Sciences - BS
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Biology
B.384 BS-BIOL: Biology - BS
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Biology
B.385 BS-BIOL: Biology Undergraduate Program
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Biology
B.386 BS-BIOL: Biology Undergraduate Program-Department Requirements
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Biology
B.387 BS-BMCB: Molecular and Cell Biology - BS
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Chemistry
B.388 BS-CHEM-ECT: Chemistry - BS, Environmental Chemistry Track
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Communication and Journalism
B.389 BS-COMM: Communication - BS
Change in Programs
College of Engineering
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
B.390 BS-CPEN: Computer Engineering - BS
Change in Programs
College of Engineering
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
B.391 BS-DAEN: Data Engineering - BS
Change in Programs
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department of Ecology and Conservation Biology
B.392 BS-ECCB-TCH: Ecology and Conservation Biology - BS, Teaching Track
Change in Programs
College of Education and Human Development
Department of Teaching, Learning, and Culture
B.393 BS-ECDE-LDR: Early Childhood Development & Education - BS, Leadership Track
Change in Programs
College of Education and Human Development
Department of Teaching, Learning, and Culture
B.394 BS-ECDE-TNL: Early Childhood Development & Education - BS, Teaching (Non-Licensure) Track
Change in Programs
College of Education and Human Development
Department of Teaching, Learning, and Culture
B.395 BS-EDUC-EC3: Education - BS, Early Childhood-3
Change in Programs
College of Education and Human Development
Department of Educational Psychology
B.396 BS-EDUC-ESP: Education - BS, Special Education EC-12
Change in Programs
College of Education and Human Development
Department of Teaching, Learning, and Culture
B.397 BS-EDUC-MTS: Education - BS, Math/Science, Middle Grades Certification
Change in Programs
College of Education and Human Development
Department of Teaching, Learning, and Culture
B.398 BS-EDUC-PK6: Education - BS, Pre-K-6, Generalist Certification
Change in Programs
College of Engineering
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
B.399 BS-ELEN: Electrical Engineering - BS
Change in Programs
College of Engineering
B.400 BS-ENGE: Engineering First-Year Curriculum
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
B.401 BS-ENSS: Environmental Systems Science - BS
Change in Programs
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department of Entomology
B.402 BS-ENTO: Entomology - BS
Change in Programs
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department of Agricultural Economics
B.403 BS-FINP: Financial Planning - BS
Change in Programs
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department of Entomology
B.404 BS-FIVS-LWE: Forensic and Investigative Sciences - BS, Pre-Law Emphasis
Change in Programs
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics
B.405 BS-GENE: Genetics - BS
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Geography
B.406 BS-GEOG: Geography - BS
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Geography
B.407 BS-GIST: Geographic Information Science and Technology - BS
Change in Programs
College of Education and Human Development
Department of Educational Psychology
B.408 BS-HDFS: Human Development & Family Sciences, BS
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of History
B.409 BS-HIST: History - BS
Change in Programs
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department of Horticultural Sciences
B.410 BS-HORT: Horticulture - BS
Change in Programs
College of Education and Human Development
Department of Education Administration and Human Resource Development
B.411 BS-LTPS: Learning Technology and Performance Systems - BS
Change in Programs
College of Marine Sciences and Maritime Studies
Department of Marine Biology
B.412 BS-MARB-LIO: Marine Biology - BS, License Option
Change in Programs
College of Marine Sciences and Maritime Studies
Department of Marine Engineering Technology
B.413 BS-MARR-LIO: Marine Engineering Technology - BS, License Option
Change in Programs
College of Marine Sciences and Maritime Studies
Department of Marine and Coastal Environmental Science
B.414 BS-MARS-LIO: Marine Sciences - BS, License Option
Change in Programs
College of Marine Sciences and Maritime Studies
Department of Maritime Business Administration
B.415 BS-MBAU: Maritime Business Administration - BS
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Biology
B.416 BS-MBIO: Microbiology - BS
Change in Programs
College of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
B.417 BS-MEEN: Mechanical Engineering - BS
Change in Programs
College of Nursing
B.418 BSN-NURS: Nursing - BS, Traditional BSN
Change in Programs
College of Nursing
B.419 BSN-NURS-ACL: Nursing - BS, Second Degree BSN Track
Change in Programs
College of Nursing
B.420 BSN-NURS-HON: Nursing - BSN, Honors Track
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences
B.421 BS-NRSC-BCN: Neuroscience - BS, Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Biology
B.422 BS-NRSC-MCB: Neuroscience - BS, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Change in Programs
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department of Nutrition
B.423 BS-NUTR-DPD: Nutrition - BS, Didactic Program in Dietetics Track
Change in Programs
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department of Nutrition
B.424 BS-NUTR-HNH: Nutrition - BS, Human Health Track
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Oceanography
B.425 BS-OCNG: Oceanography - BS
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Physics and Astronomy
B.426 BS-PHYS: Physics - BS
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Physics and Astronomy
B.427 BS-PHYS-ASP: Physics - BS , Astrophysics Track
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Physics and Astronomy
B.428 BS-PHYS-BUS: Physics - BS, Business Track
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Physics and Astronomy
B.429 BS-PHYS-CPS: Physics - BS, Computational Science Track
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Physics and Astronomy
B.430 BS-PHYS-PMT: Physics - BS, Physics and Mathematics Teaching Track
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Physics and Astronomy
B.431 BS-PHYS-PST: Physics - BS, Physical Science Teaching Track
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Physics and Astronomy
B.432 BS-PHYS-SMM: Physics - BS, Semiconductors and Modern Materials Track
Change in Programs
Bush School of Government and Public Service
Department of Political Science
B.433 BS-POLS: Political Science - BS
Change in Programs
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department of Soil and Crop Sciences
B.434 BS-PSSC-CRP: Plant and Environmental Soil Science - BS, Crops Emphasis
Change in Programs
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department of Soil and Crop Sciences
B.435 BS-PSSC-SWR: Plant and Environmental Soil Science - BS, Soil and Water Emphasis
Change in Programs
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department of Rangeland, Wildlife and Fisheries Management
B.436 BS-RWFM-AFM: Rangeland, Wildlife, and Fisheries Management – BS, Aquaculture & Fisheries Management Track
Change in Programs
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department of Rangeland, Wildlife and Fisheries Management
B.437 BS-RWFM-NRM: Rangeland, Wildlife, and Fisheries Management – BS, Natural Resources Management & Policy Track
Change in Programs
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department of Rangeland, Wildlife and Fisheries Management
B.438 BS-RWFM-RLM: Rangeland, Wildlife, and Fisheries Management – BS, Rangeland Management Track
Change in Programs
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department of Rangeland, Wildlife and Fisheries Management
B.439 BS-RWFM-WFM: Rangeland, Wildlife, and Fisheries Management – BS, Wildlife Management Track
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Communication and Journalism
B.440 BS-TCMS: Telecommunication Media Studies - BS
Change in Programs
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department of Soil and Crop Sciences
B.441 BS-TGSC: Turfgrass Science - BS
Change in Programs
College of Architecture
Department of Land Architecture and Urban Planning
B.442 BS-URPN-UPY: Urban and Regional Planning - BS, Urban Policy Track
Change in Programs
College of Architecture
Department of Land Architecture and Urban Planning
B.443 BS-URPN-URD: Urban and Regional Planning- BS, Urban Design Track
Change in Programs
College of Architecture
B.444 BS-USAR-GPD*: University Studies - BS, Global Arts, Planning, Design and Construction Concentration
Change in Programs
College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
B.445 BS-USVM-BIM*: University Studies - BS, Biomedical Sciences Concentration
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Biology
B.446 BS-ZOOL: Zoology - BS
Change in Programs
Mays Business School
Department of Accounting
B.447 CERT-ENYA: Energy Accounting - Certificate
Change in Programs
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department of Food Science and Technology
B.448 CERT-FDIV: Food Diversity - Certificate
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Global Languages and Cultures
B.449 MINOR-ARAB: Arabic Studies - Minor
Change in Programs
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics
B.450 MINOR-BICH: Biochemistry - Minor
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Global Languages and Cultures
B.451 MINOR-CCIS: Comparative Cultural Studies International - Minor
Change in Programs
College of Engineering
Department of Multidisciplinary Engineering
B.452 MINOR-ENPM: Engineering Project Management - Minor
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
B.453 MINOR-ENSS: Environmental Systems Science - Minor
Change in Programs
College of Architecture
Department of Construction Science
B.454 MINOR-FCMG: Facility Management - Minor
Change in Programs
College of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts
B.455 MINOR-GDSN: Graphic Design - Minor
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of History
B.456 MINOR-HIST: History - Minor
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Global Languages and Cultures
B.457 MINOR-JWST: Jewish Studies - Minor
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Anthropology
B.458 MINOR-MUST: Museum Studies - Minor
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Oceanography
B.459 MINOR-OCNG: Oceanography - Minor
Change in Programs
School of Public Health
B.460 MINOR-OCSH: Occupational Safety and Health - Minor
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Global Languages and Cultures
B.461 MINOR-RELS: Religious Studies - Minor
Change in Programs
College of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts
B.462 MINOR-SART: Studio Art - Minor
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Global Languages and Cultures
B.463 MINOR-SPAN: Spanish - Minor
Change in Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Global Languages and Cultures
B.464 MINOR-SPHL: Spanish for the Health Professions - Minor
Change in Programs
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communications
B.465 MINOR-YDEV: Youth Development - Minor
W&C Courses
Courses with C – Certification
B.466 SPED 321-C: Assessment of Students with Disabilities
Courses with C – Recertification
Courses with W – Certification
B.467 BEFB 472-W: Bilingual and Dual Language Methodologies
B.468 MEEN 381-W: Seminar
B.469 VTPB 491-W: Research
Courses with W – Recertification
B.470 GEOG 430-W: Environmental Justice
B.471 MEEN 260-W: Mechanical Measurements
B.472 VIBS 311-W: Biomedical Explorations through Narrative
End of Consent Agenda_____________________________
Core Curriculum Council December Report – Attachment C
Core Curriculum Recertification:
Foundational Core Component Area: Creative Arts
ARTS 150-GE: Art History Survey II
PERF 328-GE: Japanese Traditional Performing Arts
THEA 386-GE: Evolution of the American Musical
Foundational Core Component Area: Life and Physical Sciences
ASTR 101-GE: Basic Astronomy
CHEM 106-GE: Molecular Science for Citizens
CHEM 107-GE: General Chemistry for Engineering Students
CHEM 117-GE: General Chemistry for Engineering Students Laboratory
CHEM 120-GE: Fundamentals of Chemistry II
FIVS 205-GE: Introduction to Forensic and Investigative Sciences
POSC 201-GE: General Avian Science
Foundational Core Component Area: Mathematics:
MATH 147-GE: Calculus I for Biological Sciences
Foundational Core Component Area: Social & Behavioral Sciences
COMM 365-GE: International Communication
HLTH 236-GE: Introduction to Health Disparities and Diversity
SOCI 217-GE: Introduction to Race and Ethnicity
SOCI 304-GE: Criminology
Inactivation of the Core Curriculum Attribute by the Faculty Senate of
the following courses.
Foundational Core Component Area: Social and Behavioral Sciences
URPN 370-GE: Health Systems Planning
Reason: Course is not meeting the following minimum requirement for Core Courses: 10% of enrolled students utilize a core course to meet their requirement for the foundational component area.
The CCC noted that while the course is a high demand course, teaching 700-800 students over the course of an academic year, students are not taking the course because it is a Social & Behavior Sciences course. The course is positioned such that few to no students taking the course need it or use it to meet their Social & Behavioral Sciences (SBS) requirement by the time they enroll in the course. This is evidenced by only 1% of its students using the course for their SBS requirement over the last 4 years. In addition, as an upper division course, its content is focused on 300-level course work rather than general education. The course’s core curriculum designation expires effective August 2025.
URPN 203-GE: Smart Cities, Bit, Bots & Beyond
Reason: course instructors/department requested removal of core attribute. The course’s core curriculum designation expires effective August 2025.
New Core Curriculum Certification:
Foundational Core Component Area: Language, Philosophy, and Culture
GLST 220-GE: Feminist Approaches to Science, Technology, and Medicine
PSAA 210-GE: Integrated Solutions to Public Service Problems
Foundational Core Component Area: International and Cultural Diversity (ICD) Designation:
PHLT 307-ICD: Public Health in the Global Context
Student Rule 14.2 – Degree Requirements – Attachment D1
Student Rule 20 – Academic Misconduct – Attachment D2